Chaingang rotafixahomepage
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fixed-gear stuff
A fixie is a bicycle reduced to its simplest and most elegant form. Lightening-fast, uncompromising and demanding: a bicycle that has rediscovered its true nature of almost obvious and naked cycling machine, magically transforming every ride into a sensual dance imbued with speed, balance and rhythm.


Securing a track sprocket without lock ring : a useful technique that enables you to broaden the range of usable hubs and to build a fixie using one less part.

flotasam & jetsam

Photo archive: fixed-gear images to use on websites, magazine articles, newsletters, e-cards...

Chaingang fixies on FGG

Velocity03 rome

Pistard Inside: wallpaper for those who love track racing

Best of 2004: Rotfixa fixies top the FGG Best of 2004 charts

The amazing life and times of Giovanni Pettenella : meet the last Italian track Olympic champion and a man with some incredible stories to tell.


chaingang videos

Chaingang presentation

Urban flux : riding fixed in Milano

Project Vigorelli track video

italian fixed gear links

bicifissa: blog on fixed-gear riding the wonderful track and vintage cycling drawings of Stefano Dragonetti the fixed gear philosophy of Paolo Bellino the leading italian blog on the non-mainstream cycling counterculture official website of the italian cycling workshops



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